Ett anförande som en arameisk kristen vid namn Lukas Saliba höll under en demonstration i Frankfurt mot den muslimska förföljelsen av kristna.
GoV bidrar med en transkription:
We are gathered here today, to speak with one voice.
The Massacring of Christians in Iraq
North Korea
Iran and other countries
Must be brought to an end!
Stop giving money to states in which Christians
are driven through the streets like animals for the slaughter.
No holidays where Christians are being murdered.
Don’t take vacations in countries where human rights are being trampled upon.
Dear newspaper editors, as you celebrate these supposedly “peaceful” revolutions
our priests are having their throats cut, keeping inside monasteries
protected by the Egyptian army.
Our churches are burned to the ground, our women abused
and we Christians chased around like cattle for the slaughter!
But after the attacks in Alexandria the newspapers said:
“He who simply speaks of ‘Christian persecution’ is not credible...”
The spokesman for the Socialist Party added: “to make a big show
exclusively for Christians discriminates against other minorities.”
Whoever denounces the persecution of Christians is often told,
even by his local church, that he is “disturbing the religious peace.”
To the people responsible of such statements I must say:
Your “peace” comes with the smell of our decomposing dead!
Your “appeals” for peace are just earplugs to keep you from hearing the screams
of all the people set on fire, mutilated and dismembered.
You are shutting your eyes to these horrors, because the shedding of our blood
flies in the face of your holistic multicultural dream world
Take a good look at this picture!
They tied this Aramaean woman to her bed, raped her,
and cut out her heart while she was still alive
Lastly, a crucifix was thrust down her throat as scorn
Is this your “Peace”?
Is this the fruits of your “dialogues”?
Leading up to this demonstration, we received threats against us.
And on ANTIFA’s websites Aramaean Christians were attacked as “racists” and “Nazis”.
We would like to address these “Fascists-in-red”:
We will never let our Christian martyrs be insulted or denigrated.
You are the fifth column of the people persecuting us in our homelands!
onsdag 16 mars 2011
Tala ut mot förföljelsen av kristna
Upplagd av
onsdag, mars 16, 2011
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1 kommentarer:
Detta behöver sägas om och om igen att kristna i världen blir förfölja. Alla har det inte som vi i västvärlden. Här har man inte fått smaka på dessa hemskheter ännu, men vem vet.
Om islamiseringen får fortsätta, då kan nog också
kristna västvärlden också få smaka på förföljelse.
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