Det är inte långt kvar till den 20:onde januari 2010 då den holländske parlamentsledamoten Geert Wilders ska rannsakas i domstol för att ha kränkt muslimer. En märklig historia med flera turer och som kunde ha sluppit hamna i domstol om inte en grupp muslimer hade överklagat och förmodligen nu hoppas på en fällande dom.
Den 3:e december fick Geert Wilders kallelsen till domstolen i Amsterdam, där också anklagelserna finns nedskrivna. På Geert Wilders hemsida finns en artikel som ger en kort bakgrund till den nu väntande rättegången:
”The 20th of January 2010 will be a crucial day for defending our freedom. This is the day when the political trial against Geert Wilders will start. Yesterday, Geert Wilders was summoned by the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) on behalf of the Court of Justice of Amsterdam. The indictment reads: group insult of Muslims, incitement to hatred and discrimination against Muslims due to their religion and incitement to hatred and discrimination against non-western immigrants and / or Moroccans due to their race.
Geert Wilders: ”On the 20th of January 2010, a political trial will start. I am being prosecuted for my political convictions. The freedom of speech is on the verge of collapsing. If a politician is not allowed to criticise an ideology anymore, this means that we are lost, and it will lead to the end of our freedom. However I remain combative: I am convinced that I will be acquitted.”
In earlier stages, the PPS did not see any reason to prosecute Mr. Wilders.
Bram Moszkowicz, the lawyer on the case at hand, will submit a notice of objection to the summons on the point of group insult on behalf of Geert Wilders. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands ruled that even though it is indeed punishable to insult a group of people, it is not punishable to insult a religion as such. Due to this the order of the Court of Amsterdam on this point is deemed incorrect.”
Geert Wilders receives summons: a sledgehammer blow to the freedom of speech, Geert Wilders hemsida
Stämningen finns på hemsidan i pdf för nedladdning, klicka länken ovan. Men den amerikanska bloggen Winds of Jihad har lagt in texten i stämningen på sin blogg och här är ett litet klipp som visar varför man nu ska rannsaka Geert Wilders:
”‘A moderate Islam does not exist. It does not exist because there is no distinction between Good Islam and Bad Islam. There is Islam and that is it. And Islam means the Quran and nothing but the Quran. And the Quran is the Mein Kampf of a religion that intends to eliminate others and that refers to those others – non-Muslims – as unfaithful dogs, inferior beings. Read the Quran, this Mein Kampf, again. In whatever version, you will see that all the evil that the sons of Allah commit to us and themselves originates from this book (Oriana Fallaci, The Force of Reason, post-script, page 305, February 2006).’
‘The core of the problem is the fascist Islam, the sick ideology of Allah and Mohammed as laid down in the Islamic Mein Kampf: the Quran. The texts from the Quran leave little to imagination.’
‘Prohibit this miserable book the way Mein Kampf was also prohibited!’”
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Knute skrev i januari i år mycket bra på bloggen Every Kinda People om denna, återigen sagt, märkliga historia:
"Den kände holländske politikern Geert Wilders åtalas för hets mot folkgrupp därför att han gjort jämförelser mellan islam och nazismen, mellan Koranen och Mein Kampf. Vad i all sin dar, det är väl på universiteten och inte i domstolarna som det ska avgöras om det ligger någon sanning i hans påstående.
Winston Churchill, mannen vars ståndaktighet räddade världen från nazismen, sade om Mein Kampf: "Här var den nya Koranen för tro och krig." länk
Adolf Hitler var inspirerad av islam och såg likheterna. "Den muhammedanska religionen skulle ha passat oss mycket bättre än just kristendomen med dess slappa tolerans." länk"
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Översvämning av politisk korrekthet ( =islamisering )förstör Holland, Every Kinda People
Ge Geert Wilders stöd genom petitionen nedan. Den ska lämnas över till holländska myndigheter ifall man ställer honom inför rätta, så jag förmodar att man kommer att göra det snart ifall inte Geert Wilders advokat får gehör för sin invändning mot domstolskallelsen.
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Petition till stöd för Geert Wilders
onsdag 9 december 2009
Geert Wilders instämd till holländsk domstol
Upplagd av
From Sweden with Grief
onsdag, december 09, 2009
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En demonstration kommer att anordnas av Geert Wilders parti, PVV, i samband med rättegången, en demonstration för yttrandefriheten:
"The trial is a judicial farce, a shameless attempt to put an end to the political career of Geert Wilders. He is inconveniently popular with the voters of the Netherlands, so the elite governing class has decided to run him out of office by non-electoral means.
Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated a couple of articles about the upcoming trial. First, from the PVV website, news of a demonstration planned for the day the trial begins:
January 20: Demonstration for freedom of expression
Demonstrate against the political process used against Geert Wilders
January 20, 2010 will be a crucial day in the defense of our freedom. That day the political process against Geert Wilders will begin. Commissioned by the Amsterdam Court, the Public Ministry has summoned Geert Wilders. The indictment reads: Insulting Muslims as a group, inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims because of their religion, and inciting hatred and discrimination against non-western immigrants and/or Moroccans because of their race. This even though the earlier prosecutor saw no cause in the evidence for the prosecution to proceed.
Are you also against the political process against Geert Wilders, and do you want to defend freedom of expression? Come to Amsterdam to demonstrate! On January 20 at 9:00 in the District Court in Amsterdam.
Geert Wilders: “On January 20 a political court case will begin. I am being persecuted for my political convictions. Freedom of expression is balancing on the edge of a cliff. If a politician can not criticize an ideology any longer, there is no end to it, that will mean the end of our freedom. But I will remain combative: I am convinced that I will be acquitted “.
Wednesday January 20 next, starting 09:00
Rechtbank Amsterdam [Amsterdam Court]
Parnassusweg 220 [map]
Amsterdam, the Netherlands"
Klicka och läs mer på Gates of Vienna:
Criminalizing Criticism of Islam
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