onsdag 7 april 2010

This is funny...‏

I don't care who you are or what you believe in, this is funny . . .

Gun Control

Barack Obama
at a recent rural elementary school assembly in East Texas, asked the audience for total quiet. In the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence. Then he said into the microphone, 'Children, every time I clap my hands together a child in America dies from gun violence.' Little Richard Earl, with a proud East Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said, "Well dumbass, stop clapping!"


Barack Obama besökte nyligen en skola i östra Texas, och bad eleverna om total tystnad. Han började sakta klappa händerna med några sekunders intervall och höll publiken i total tystnad. Sedan sa han i mikrofonen, "Barn, varje gång jag klappar mina händer dör ett barn i Amerika av pistolvåld." Lille Richard Earl, med ett stolt östra-Texas-släpigt tal, genomborrade stillheten och sade "Ja dum-arsle, sluta klappa!"

Obama Forwards, tips-tack till Berit

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